Please ensure sufficient amount of mint cost is in deposited into Flash Protocol before mint. Once 'mint' successfully initialised , corresponding gas fee will be deducted from your balance. Detailed deposit instruction can be found here.

Flash Protocol is also the first to allow users to mint Taproot NFTs. The interface is simple to use and features NFT projects within it.

By clicking in the introduction to any one project, you will be directed to the collection those NFTs belong to. Here’s an example of a sample NFT collection.

First, let's click 'NFT' on the menu bar, all the Taproot NFT projects will be listed below, click the one of your choice, in this case ,would be 'Flash Pilot NFT(test)'.

Once clicked, an array of 30 NFTs will be displayed. if none of the NFTs interest you, you may choose to click 'Refresh' to change to another batch. Otherwise, click the one NFT of your choice, and click 'Mint',

Once successfully minted, you can find the NFT in the 'Explorer' section under the 'NFT' sub-section. The confirmation of minting may take up to 20 mins depending on network congestion condition.

Last updated